
How To Create Your Own Streaming Service With Obs

I keep writing near live-streaming like information technology's accessible and piece of cake to practise — which it'south not. It's actually quite difficult to get started. Lamentable! My bad. I didn't mean to lead you astray. If you lot're nevertheless Twitch-curious, I have a gift for you: a guide for how to get started.

Before I swoop in, I'll brainstorm with a few caveats. First, there are many means to stream. Zoom allows you to stream directly to YouTube, for example, and y'all can always go live on Instagram. Some ways of streaming are easier; others are more hard. All crave a bit of knowledge nearly how to read forums and non want to die while doing the necessary troubleshooting. This is not a comprehensive guide.

2nd, this isn't meant to be exhaustive. I've been streaming for a lilliputian while on my ain aqueduct, and most of what I'm going to lay out is only the stuff I've picked up since I've been on Twitch. 3rd, please know that even if you do everything right, something volition notwithstanding probably not work. That's okay. Become 1 with the troubleshooting, and practise things systematically so you lot're always able to work astern and find the source of your problem. Also, remember that troubleshooting live on stream is a rite of passage.

Quaternary, this guide also assumes you're a beginner and that you're non planning to either purchase a new PC but to stream or to extensively modify 1 you already own (due east.g., buying an internal capture card). It's also focused on streaming using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), an open up-source piece of software that a ton of people apply to live stream. (If you've already got your setup working and just desire to learn how to utilise OBS, feel gratuitous to skip ahead to the section "How to Stream with OBS.")

If that's you, let's dive in!

Step ane: Hardware

This is where your journey begins, traveler. Actually, at present that I retrieve of information technology, we should back up a little.

Pace 0: Why do you desire to stream, and what exercise you want to leave of it?

This is the real start of your adventure. Why practise you want to stream? Be honest with yourself. (And feel complimentary to bulletin me about why! I will probably include your answers in a time to come entry of this column.) Is it because you want to gain fame, fortune, and influence online? Is it because you want to take your friendly gaming sessions up a notch? Is it because you take a specialized skill — eastward.g., cooking, yoga, etc. — that you lot desire to share with people? Is information technology simply cause it seems like a fun thing to practise?

These are all valid reasons to offset streaming, but information technology's besides important to enquire the questions in the kickoff identify because it'll influence what kind of setup you lot're somewhen going to want. Simply that's a later footstep.

Footstep ane (again): Hardware

This is where you'll determine the actual quality of your stream. In that location are three questions to ask: What machine exercise you plan to stream on? What kind of webcam and microphone exercise y'all have access to? What's your internet connection like?

Any answer is fine; I used to stream PS4 gameplay through a 2017 MacBook Air via the console's remote play function, which should honestly be illegal. (It did work; yet, I would non recommend doing this.) The reason these questions are important to answer is twofold: your software options will modify based on what operating system y'all're running (Windows, macOS, mobile, panel), and the quality of your stream will differ based on what your webcam / microphone / cyberspace connection is like.

Ideally, you lot're going to want to use the fastest, newest computer you've got, and the all-time microphone and webcam in your armory. Your computer is the brains of the performance, no matter what you're streaming. It has to be fast enough to both handle any you're doing on it — DJing? Gaming? — while it'due south also encoding and uploading a video stream to Twitch (or whatever platform you've called to use). If information technology's older, your computer will scream at you, which is fine. Ignore its screams and the wild amount of heat information technology's generating. Do not wonder whether you could bake a cookie on the heatsink.

Then here'south what to do: connect your mic and your webcam (no shame if those are on board) to your computer, and examination them to encounter if everything is working. A tip: getting articulate sound is more than important, at least initially, than having great video. If everything works, bang-up!

Next, check your internet speed. You're going to desire a fast connection — specifically a fast upload speed. I'd say around 8–9 Mbps upload is the minimum for a stable HD video output. If you don't quite have that, don't fret! There are some software settings I'll go over afterwards that you tin can crunch to fit your pipes.

If you lot're planning to stream console games, the other piece of gear you might want to have on paw — aside from extra HDMI cables and a long Ethernet cablevision — is a capture bill of fare. A capture bill of fare is a cool device that duplicates the audio and video coming out of your consoles and sends it to your computer as a video input, which your streaming software can then recognize and stream. The current standard is Elgato's HD60s, which retails for effectually $200, though you can get a refurbished one for a slightly cheaper price. (The South+ has manner more features merely is commensurately more expensive.)

Other hardware to consider: lighting and green screens. Probably the most of import thing you can do for yourself afterward getting a good mic is investing in skilful lighting for your streaming space. It helps your camera exercise the vital piece of work of making you look expert. That can mean anything from setting upwards a lamp behind your photographic camera so it lights your face up / body properly to investing in a dedicated ring low-cal that will ensure that everything looks fifty-fifty. Green screens are another popular tool to upgrade what your stream looks like. Basically, yous set it up backside you, and you can apply your streaming software to edit out your background so you're directly in front of your video output. (Think Zoom'south virtual backgrounds, but with the game you're playing.)

Got all that? Great! Now it's time to move on.

Step 2: Software

I'm not going to lie to you: at that place are a lot of buttons, and you lot're going to need to click a lot of them. This tin be intimidating. But you can practice information technology! It's a thing of trying everything until y'all find a solution. It'due south time to wrinkle your brain.

I'll divide this section by platform.


Congratulations! You have the most options. In the start, live-streaming was developed mostly for enterprise users and hardcore gamers, which means the software was developed for people who had Work Machines — machines that needed to exist powerful enough to return Crysis or do corporate Excel sheets.

Let's focus on the free offerings. You accept basically 3 options: Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), Streamlabs OBS, and XSplit. (At that place'due south also Twitch Studio, which streams specifically to Twitch.) Each has its charms; of the three, I adopt regular OBS because it feels standard in a style that my brain appreciates. In fact, I'd recommend using OBS for the majority of people. Streamlabs is also incredibly customizable and adequately like shooting fish in a barrel to set up, with a congenital-in ecosystem of overlays, extensions, and themes baked right in.


Hullo, Mac users. You lot're actually quite lucky because it's but within the last year that information technology's become easier to stream on a Mac. Elgato introduced OBS Link, which profoundly simplifies the employ of a capture card on Macs — which you literally couldn't practise earlier without processor-intensive, hacky workarounds — and Streamlabs made its macOS debut, at very long last. Your options are Streamlabs OBS and regular OBS, which are both very solid.


The get-go thing I should say is: aye, you tin can practise this. Twitch and Mixer will let you stream from your phone if you download their dedicated apps, for example. But your options volition be limited and fragmented past platform. In that location'due south Periscope, which lets you stream to Twitter, and Instagram Live, which does exactly what it sounds similar it does. (Yous tin can likewise alive-stream to YouTube from a mobile device if you have more than 1,000 subscribers.)

What yous tin stream depends on the platform and the app you lot're using. Mixer allows you to stream mobile games, while Twitch doesn't. Streamlabs' mobile app, on the other paw, volition allow you to broadcast any'southward on your screen to the platform of your choice. If yous're really dedicated to streaming off your phone, godspeed. You take a tough row to hoe. While information technology's possible to stream, the audio and video quality is generally much lower, it'due south harder to customize the stream itself, and it's very limiting in what you tin can actually do on stream. (It should be said that you can, in fact, stream from iOS devices to OBS using Elgato Screen Link — which is good if you'd similar to stream mobile games.)


This is the easiest way to stream. All you have to do is connect your Twitch / Mixer / YouTube account to your PlayStation four or Xbox Ane console, and you're practiced to go. In that location are, however, meaning drawbacks. You can't customize your stream at all, and there are weird UI elements that kind of get in the fashion of gameplay. The consoles handle audio merely fine, simply calculation video gets a lot trickier. (Translation: If you want to upgrade your stream, y'all're going to buy a panel-specific webcam. Deplorable!) Hither's a more than in-depth guide for how to showtime streaming on console.

How to stream with OBS

Right. And then at present that nosotros take the options out of the style, it's time to dive into the software. For this function of the guide, I'm going to stick with regular OBS because it's what I know all-time and because information technology also translates to Streamlabs OBS. (It'southward besides the same on both macOS and Windows.)

Footstep ii.5: OBS

Don't be afraid, traveler. OBS can seem like the Large Bad in the live-streaming universe, merely it's really a powerful ally — if you can master what it's trying to tell y'all. OBS is a way station: it is the indicate where your inputs (webcam, microphone, game capture) and outputs (your stream) merge.

The kickoff thing to know about OBS is that information technology looks like this.

This used to scare me; now, it comforts me because I am in control (mostly).

The first thing you'll notice are the menus down at the lesser: Scenes, Sources, Mixer, Scene Transitions, and Controls. The second matter you lot should look at are the numbers at the very bottom, labeled "LIVE," "REC," and "CPU." Once yous open OBS, yous should start to see your CPU usage ascension. When y'all're live, wait that number to go higher.

Basically, OBS works similar this: scenes are the building blocks of any stream. Whatever's in a scene is what'due south put on your stream. Yous customize scenes with sources, which you lot tin add together, and you check audio levels for basically any source inside a scene via the mixer.

From left to right: Scenes, Sources, Audio Mixer, Scene Transitions, Controls.

Scene transitions are at that place if you want to customize what information technology looks like when yous switch between scenes, but I haven't plant that it matters much, personally speaking. (Recall PowerPoint transitions.) Controls does exactly what it says. Those little gray buttons are how y'all'll push everything live. Nosotros'll return to Settings in a moment.

What we're going to do at present is set up three scenes in OBS: a "stream starting shortly" scene, a "live" scene, and one that'south for intermissions — you lot know, just in case you accept to run to the bathroom or refresh your drink.

So let's start with the Stream Starting Soon scene. The first affair you should practice is delete all of the preprogrammed scenes because they're empty and because renaming them is about v pct more of a pain in the ass than it should be. To do that, highlight the scene and click the minus button at the lesser of the box. Great!

Now click the "+" button next to it, and enter the name of the scene. Something like "Stream Starting Soon." You lot're going to desire to be clear and specific considering you don't want to exist hunting for scenes while y'all're streaming. This is part of OBS's flexibility: y'all can have as many scenes as you want, and they can be as specific as you want them to be. If you want to accept silly graphics and not have to remake them every time y'all desire them on-screen, the Scenes tool is what you're going to use.

You'll observe I'm using a Mac here because that's what I write on. It's too cool considering information technology'due south the same for Windows, even if the UI looks a piddling different.

Now that we have a scene, permit's motility to sources. Click on the "+" button nether sources. Whoa! It'south a long list!

Unfortunately, all of these things mean something. For at present, let'south focus on the most important matter: creating a cool graphic that shows off our personality for the people who are going to see our channel. And so now: open up up Photoshop / MS Paint / etc., and get to work! Save that file somewhere specific, as well, because we're going to need information technology.

Okay! Time to get back to OBS. Highlight your scene once more, and click the "+" button in sources; next, navigate to "Image" and name the source — over again, be very specific — and brand sure the "make source visible" box is checked. Maybe name it something like "This is my starting soon screen lol." Hit browse, find the image file, upload it, and then click okay. Here's what mine looks similar so far.

Oh no, my image doesn't fit my streaming canvas because I didn't size information technology right in Paintbrush! If this is you, that's an piece of cake enough fix. Just manipulate the image the same way you would if you were resizing anything else, by dragging the corners effectually. If yous actually beefed information technology, resize the image in your image editor so that it fits your screen dimensions, which you tin find in Settings > Video > Base of operations (Canvas) Resolution.

Anyway, nifty! Nosotros take our get-go scene. That wasn't and then hard, was it?

The next thing you should know is what those things under audio mixer actually do. Pound for pound, Desktop Sound is probably the most powerful thing y'all should know about in the audio mixer settings. Basically, Desktop Sound sends whatsoever sounds are on your computer out onto your stream. That's Spotify, YouTube, game music from whatever you're playing on your computer — everything. With i major caveat: it plays everything that's pointed at Desktop Audio. If you go into its settings by clicking on the gear just beneath it, you'll come across a number of options for where it can get audio from. And this is where information technology starts to get complicated. You tin foreclose a ton of troubleshooting down the line if you make sure your audio is routed to the same identify.

This setting is not scene-specific, although it does modify based on where the sources in the scene have their outputs pointed. Basically, if at that place is an audio source that has its output pointed at Desktop Sound, and the source is in the scene that's currently active, you'll hear information technology. Sources don't output video or sound if they're non in an agile scene. Let's take a wait at the scenes / sources / sound mixer triumvirate again. No reason, it's merely nice to wait at.

Ahh yeah... that's the practiced stuff.

When I'chiliad streaming, I like to do a little pre-show to give people time to filter over to my channel. Mostly it'due south just a "live soon" scene with some chill beats playing under it, while I putter around my apartment and finish setting things up. I employ YouTube; you tin can use whatever you lot want — any you lot're playing on your computer will output to desktop audio, provided desktop sound is getting sound from the place y'all've sent the music. Copyright policies differ based on the platform yous're using, but it's generally a peachy idea not to utilize copyrighted material; yous don't want a strike on your business relationship or a temporary suspension. (If you lot're into more avant-garde stuff, you tin can discover and brand blithe overlays for your starting soon screen, simply that is definitely beyond the scope of this how-to.) We'll talk briefly about audience stuff later on, but the main affair to recall is that streaming is something of a 2d-screen activity — similar a podcast, almost.

The adjacent affair you should do is repeat the same steps as above to create an intermission scene that you tin can quickly flip to if you need to. You got this!

Finally: the live scene. This is where things get a flake more complicated. Start the same way you did before by creating a new scene. In the source tab, add together two new sources: one for audio input capture and one for video capture device. What we're going to practise here is add your webcam and your microphone to your sources, so that your audience can see and hear you. In the menus that pop upwardly for those sources, select the devices that you're going to employ, and give the sources appropriate names ("logitech webcam," "blue yeti microphone," etc.).

The video capture device — your webcam — should pop up on the OBS canvass, only your audio device won't. A note here that should save you some troubleshooting fourth dimension: if your webcam is existence used by a dissimilar slice of software, it will not testify up in OBS. Brand certain you shut any other software that might be using your camera.

Your microphone will show upwardly as a new ready of bars in your sound mixer. At present'southward the time to make sure your levels are appropriate. Generally, you want to be peaking in the yellow part of the mix for everything; if you hit the scarlet fleck of the bar, it'due south going to audio terrible. Your audience will tell you to adjust as needed — simply slide the book bars underneath the offending input to change the levels.

Now it'southward time to build in everything else. One of the best things about streaming is that it'due south infinitely customizable; you lot can add together browser sources to capture audio, play alerts on your aqueduct when someone subscribes or follows, and basically anything else y'all can think of. For right now, we'll keep information technology elementary. Let's add a game to your streaming output. (If you're not planning to play a video game on stream, feel free to skip this bit.)

We'll offset with games on your computer because the process is slightly easier to explain — and it's different on Mac and Windows. We'll get-go with Mac this time.

To add a game to your sources list in OBS, you're going to have to practice a fleck of a workaround, for now, and use a Window Capture. These piece of work similarly to Video Input Capture sources, but instead of capturing a video, you're going to capture the specific window of the game yous're playing. Find the window that has the game running in the menu in the same way, and add together / name the source in the aforementioned fashion yous did the others. On Windows, there's an choice called Game Capture, which allows you to either capture whatever currently full-screen window or pick a specific game to broadcast.

To add a console game is harder because it introduces another piece of software — Elgato Game Capture Hard disk. (This is if you've decided to get with the Elgato HD60s/s+.) Recall, you're going to need the capture card to send its video and audio to your calculator and your television at the same time. Nosotros'll starting time with Windows.

Start, make sure your console is on, and that you lot've correctly attached the HDMI cables to the capture menu and that the capture card is plugged into the appropriate USB port on your streaming PC. (If y'all're using a PS4, make sure y'all disable HDCP copy protection on PS4 in settings, as you'll make your screen expect weird and take horrible clicking noises come up out of your TV otherwise. For other consoles, go here.)

Adjacent, you'll need to boot up Game Capture Hard disk. You should see whatever's on your TV in this app. Await at the tiptop right where a small image of your capture card should be, and click through to its settings past clicking on the gear nether it. You should exist able to change the settings there based on which console you have plugged into your capture card. It's important to change the settings to match your console here considering this changes what's going on inside the carte du jour itself, and the signals it outputs to your computer.

Finally, return to OBS and add a new video capture source to your live scene. You should see your Elgato capture card every bit an option, labeled by the port it's in; choose it. Your console'southward video volition at present be mirrored in OBS.

For Macs, the process is different. You have to download a dissever piece of software called OBS Link, which is what will allow your computer to recognize the input signal from the Elgato capture bill of fare as a video capture device, which you lot tin can so add to your stream. (It's important to notation that the S+ can connect to Macs directly and doesn't need OBS Link to function.) Y'all can detect more information nigh how to set up that upwards here.

Phew. Lots to do, right? And you lot're not gear up to stream still. But you do have a alive screen!

Step two.7: OBS Settings

Now we dive into the settings. This is extremely important because, as I mentioned higher up, this is how we're going to optimize for our pipes. (If you're using Streamlabs, the software has probably done this for you at startup.) The first thing you should exercise is open upwards settings, navigate to video settings, and then change the frame rate — "Common FPS Values" in OBS — to xxx. This volition drop the processor load considerably. To futz with it further, experience gratuitous to go to town on the "Output (Scaled) Resolution"; if your stream is still inclement, drop the output resolution. Your viewers volition probably detect a commensurate drop in quality, however.

There are a ton of other options in here. The other of import box is under output where you tin find your computer'southward streaming settings. Changing the encoder, bitrate, and presets will change how your viewers experience your stream, then experience free to play effectually in here. If something breaks, yous'll know what did it.

Merely the most important role of this section is connecting OBS to your streaming platform. Go to the Stream tab and choose your service. If it asks you for a stream key, go to your settings on the platform you've decided to use; it should exist in there somewhere. Never give out your stream primal because if someone else has it, they can stream anything they want to your channel.

Pace 2.97: Record yourself

Yous're almost there. And you're probably wondering: huh, what does this actually look like? Well, I accept some skillful news for yous. Whatever is showing on the screen in OBS is what the stream will output. Only if y'all want to meet and hear what your mic and webcam are like in action, you should grab a quick recording of yourself so you lot can see for yourself earlier you stream to an audience. To do that, hitting the "Start Recording" button under Controls. It'll record whatsoever is happening in OBS, and save information technology to the location delineated in Settings > Output > Recording. Yous tin spotter your broadcast there!

Step three: Stream!

Now that you have your hardware set upwardly and your software configured, it's time to practice some final checks before you lot go live. The first: practise you have a place where you tin easily read chat? That tin can be your telephone, a tablet, an old estimator — just some place where you tin can see what people are saying and respond to them. The difference betwixt live-streaming and something like live TV is that streaming is about interaction; you talking with your viewers is what people come for. The other thing is having a channel page that shows you off: what y'all're interested in, what you play, and what kinds of things you like to do. Go ahead and play effectually with themes, overlays, and extensions until yous find a wait and branding that you like.

The chief matter to retrieve, though, is that streaming isn't actually most the audition you draw in — though that is really cool — information technology's about being social and having a practiced time.

If you know you lot tin can keep it fun, you're gear up to become live. Go ahead and press that push button. (Yous'll immediately be live with whatever is on your screen in OBS, just in case that wasn't clear.) 1 final affair: to switch scenes while OBS is running, just click on the scene. A final tip: if you lot're taking an intermission and your microphone is agile on the pause scene, make sure you lot mute it until you become back.

Oh, and if you have any questions, yous know who to call.


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